I am pleased to announce that our very last comic book adventure with Kid Phantom has finally seen print with the surprise release this week of Kid Phantom #10, written by Andrew Constant (DC Comics), cover & art by Paul Mason, and published by Frew Publications. The comic marks the end of the 10 issue (+ the 2020 special) series starting in 2017, wrapping up a two-part story carried on from #9. The series was the first new Phantom title by Frew in over 50 years, and one in colour, aimed at a younger readership.

The current release also includes a short back up story featuring the Frew character Muiran, written by EJ Holden and drawn by Brazilian artist Wellington Diaz.
The comic is available from newsagents and supporting comic stores across Australia from the 23rd August, parts of NZ and overseas, online mail order via Frew Publications direct https://www.phantomcomic.com.au/collections/new/products/kid-phantom-issue-no-10-2021-phantoms-universe-card-23-king-rat,
and as a digital download on Comixology (link to come). Those wishing to have a look at some art-only pages from the book can do so via the link here: https://www.kidphantom10.masoncomics.com.au
Or via the Image Gallery or Folio on the website. I'd like this opportunity to thank Frew co-director and editor Glenn Ford for the opportunity, my collaborator Andrew Constant, published Dudley Hogarth, Rene White and the Frew Crew, those close to me who supported my work, kind readers (especially the young kids, for whom this series was for), and those who'll continue to follow my endeavours in whatever's next on the horizon.
As you were.

#KidPhantom #FrewPublications #thephantom #australiancomics #aussiecomics #paulmason #andrewconstant #glennford #kingfeatures #kfs #allages #comics