Many thanks to the gents at Chronicle Chamber for their interview as part of the pre-Sydney Supanova 2019 lead up. I was fortunate enough to have had an extended chat with Dan and Jermayn not only about Supanova Sydney, but also KID PHANTOM and a bit more of a look at THE PHANTOM: VIETNAM and my thoughts on the series and the character of The Phantom. I was very grateful for the kind words and interest in the look behind the first story, and an update on what's next.
The episode is available here: https://www.chroniclechamber.com/single-post/2019/06/16/X-Band-Episode-121---A-Pre-Supanova-Special
(We chat from about the 1hr 59 min mark for just under an hour).
The episode features interviews from 6 illustrators connected with the Phantom, starting with the current Phantom Sunday comic strip artist for King Features, Jeff Weigel. The interviews re: Supanova also feature Frew cartoonist (Giant-Sized Phantom) Shane Foley, Frew cover illustrators Jamie Johnson and Grange Wallis, and Frew Publications co-director Glenn Ford.
Past interviews for those that are interested, or need assistance sleeping, can be found via the News and Media page.
Looking forward to a busy weekend.