Folks have until April 30 to pledge for their copy of THE PHANTOM: TREASURES OF DRAKON board game, from Frew Games, in association with Alex Wynnter and White Cat Press.
The goal of $51,000 is not too far off, and I'm excited to see that the KID PHANTOM stretch goal solo campaign game is now included in the MAIN release :D That's heaps of value added to the original game, that currently includes up to 6 other characters.
More info at the link here, including a look at some of the Comic Strips I illustrated for the game, which players play through: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/frewgames/the-phantom-treasures-of-drakon-board-game/posts/2481495
Would still love to see that Stretch goal hit, as that would unlock the Kid Phantom mini figure piece, larger figures, and villain tokens I also scribbled for the solo game.

The latest update #8 has all the info on the Stretch Goals, with $62,000 being the number that unlocks all the extra work I scribbled, to add to the game illustrated by Glenn Ford, Jamie Johnson, with cover by Daniel Picciotto. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/frewgames/the-phantom-treasures-of-drakon-board-game/posts/2483641?ref=ksr_email_backer_project_update_registered_users
Fingers crossed we get there!!

You can also pledge by clicking this link: tinyurl.com/thephantomboardgame