Most POPular podcast

Most Popular Podcast Ep. 5 w/ Kid Phantom by Dr Paul Mason (Frew)

Most Popular Podcast Ep. 4 w/KID PHANTOM by Dr Paul Mason (Frew Publications)

Most Popular Podcast Ep. 4 w/Timelapse Kid Phantom by Dr Paul Mason (Frew Publications)

with Amanda & Dr. Paul
2018 - 2019
"A fun discussion about pop culture with a unique Australian perspective".
Most POPular is the brainchild of Amanda Bacchi (Panel host at OZ Comic-con Stage 3, Australian Comic Arts Festival (ACAF), Brisbane Zombie Walk, and co-host of the monthly Brisbane Pop Culture meet up group at Brisbane Square Library). Co-hosted by Paul Mason, the weekly podcast aims to touch on pop culture news both here and abroad, interview prominent guests from Comics, Animation, TV and Film industry, and share insights into contributing to the pop culture field in and from Australia. Some of our guests included Paul Eiding, Sammy J, Gary Chaloner, Nicola Scott, Andrew Constant, Douglas Holgate, Robbie Miles, Christian Read, and Glenn Ford. Podcast commenced in January 2018.
Also for something different, and an initiative of Amanda, podcasts uploaded to Youtube include sped up footage of Kid Phantom comic pages being scribbled and coloured.
You can download episodes via iTunes for your iOS device, or mp3 via the web page.
A "Best of" Archive will be uploaded to here soon in 2021, to preserve our favourite conversations.
Big thanks to Chronicle Chamber: Phantom Phan page and X: Band podcast for the kind write up too!: