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Animation program banner for Griffith University website, cited August 2017

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Other Teaching/Hosting engagements:


- QCAA Advisory panel 2024 - for Film, Television and New Media 2025 examination.


Comics and Graphic Novel Workshop/Masterclass teacher: Various length sessions: 2 hour - 6 hours.


Clients have included: 

- Queensland Writers Centre

(Writing for Comics and Graphic Novels Seminarat the State Library of Queensland July 2021

- Gympie Regional Libraries

Creating Characters and Creatures for Comics and More! at (satellite event for Brisbane Children's Writers Festival) - October 2024: 12 - 17 year olds

- The University of Southern Queensland

(USQ Bookcase 2017 - Visual Storytelling lecture, & 1 day- intensive Comic book creation Masterclass)

- Liverpool City Library (NSW)

Sessions as part of Comic Con-Versation Week, July 2017


- The State Library of Queensland

(Jan 2013 - 2015) for 8 - 16 year olds


- Brisbane Square Library (QLD) 

For kids, teens and young adults (Jan and April 2015)


- Toowoomba City Library (QLD) 

(May 2015 8 - 12 year olds, 12 - 18 year olds).


- The Grove Library, Perth (WA)

For 8 - 12 year olds (2015 & 2016)


- The Australian Comic Arts Festival- Canberra (ACT)

Visual Story 2016 & 2018.


-  September 2014 - Present: Co-host of Monthly Comic Book and Pop Culture Meet-up Group for Brisbane Square Library /Brisbane City Council, with Amanda Bacchi.



Sample Student Feedback


"Having a lecturer also a current industry practitioner meant the whole course felt like a specialised, comprehensive teaching and experience of the medium and industry at large. "

"It was clear that Paul has a deep passion and clear understanding of the subject matter that inspires enthusiasm in his students."

"The way the course flowed was excellent as well, I felt as if I was learning at the same pace as my assignment: content was taught the very day I needed it. Was also a much more chill course and I think its dramatically improved my work and mental health. This has downright been my favorite course so far!!"

"...Paul is a really effective teacher as he has a clear understanding and passion of his craft and gives helpful feedback. The subject matter for the most part was interesting and engaging and the guest lecture with Nicola Scott was a highlight."


"Every lecture and tute had in-depth powerpoints and were recorded! What a god send! Not every teacher does this but Paul was fantastic at this. The information provided was excellent and this course has by far been my favourite."

"The strong feedback and understanding. No side stepping, gives you what you want and need to learn."

"The lectures were very informative, and the teachers understood what they were talking about. I also appreciated, when given the opportunity, the feedback and assistance the teachers gave me"

"Was great in teaching us how to develop a good story without telling but only showing, also gave me a good knowledge about storyboards."

"I found this course extremely engaging and enjoyable. Throughout this course, I learned so much about visual storytelling and the language of cinema. This course has inspired me so much, that I hope to continue storyboarding throughout my career."


Lecturing @ GFS Animation

2012 - present

Lecturer (Level B) at Griffith Film School, Griffith University:

Sessional lecturer: 2012 - 2016, 2018 - 2021

Continuing ppt and course convenor: 2022, Jan - July 2024

Full Time Level B: October 2022 - Jan 2024, July - present.


Sessional course convenor: for 2104GFS Comics and Sequential Storytelling, from Semester 1, 2016 - 2021. 

Lecturer (Level B) in Art Direction Beginning 2017 - mid 2018: Course convenor and Lecturer of courses as listed below.

Griffith Film School Animation ranked #1 in Australia, #8 in the World, 2019. 


Awarded 2023 Student Experience of Teaching (SET)

commendation for 2023 Academic Year. 

Awarded 2022 Student Experience of Teaching (SET) Commendation  for 2021 Academic Year. 

Course Teaching & development:

- 2107GFS Visual Story (Core)

 Lecturer and Tutor 2012 - Present.

2nd Year animation students semester/trimester 2.

Teaching core 2nd year animation students animation/sequential storytelling, storyboarding, camera/screen language, appropriate shot selections, thumbnailing, character considerations, story writing considerations  for mock animation projects or potential 3rd year graduating short film projects. 

Guest lecturers have included Myrna Gawryn  (character performance for Animators, story consultant), Andrew Constant (Writer, DC Comics, Frew Publications). Dean Rankine (Cartoonist: The Simpsons, Futurama, Rick and Morty comics, storyboard artist Jar Dwellers animated series).


- 3124GFS Art Direction (Elective)

Course convenor 2016 - 2018. Lecturer and Tutor 2016 - 2023

3rd year students Semester/Trimester 1.

Concept art development for multiple projects, in consideration of demographics, and art treatment, based on briefs for intellectual properties. for the development of character, environment and prop art. Includes life drawing instruction in studio and in the field. 

Guest speakers have included James Brouwer (Art Director for "The Deep" TV series, concept  artist for Hasbro, Disney UK, Krome, QCA animation alumni), Wolfgang Bylsma (Executive producer "The Deep", Gestalt Publisher) and Costa Kassab (Art Director for "Bluey"  TV Series, GFS alumni).


- 3121GFS Animation Folio Pre-Production (Core)

3141GFS_Y1 Animation Production Folio (2023 - )

(Lecturer/course convenor 2017 - 2018. Lecturer and Tutor 2017 - present. Course convenor 2022 - present).

Animation Pre-production of final year group animation film and individual student projects. Overseeing development of pitches, storyboards, concept art development ready for undergraduate film development in 3126GFS. Carries on from storytelling/storyboarding theories and development from 2107GFS Visual Story.

Guest speakers have included Myrna Gawryn  (character performance for Animators, story consultant), Mark Sexton (Storyboard artist- Mad Max: Fury Road), Dean Rankine (Storyboard artist - Jaw Dwellers, Cartoonist The Simpsons, Futurama, Hellboy Holiday Special,) Douglas Holgate (illustrator Last Kids on Earth, Flight, Clem Hetherington and the Ironwood Race) , and Tom Taylor (Writer for animation and comics- co-creator of 'The Deep' animated series and head writer, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, Gestalt Comics.)

- 3121GFS Sequential Art and Illustration - brief history and production process of comic book art (3rd Year students short module lectures Semester 1 2014, 2015, Full course 2016 - course convenor; Name change to "3121GFS Animation Folio Pre-Production (as above), shift towards encompassing Animation pre-production for final year film slate.) 

- 3126GFS Animation Folio Production (Core)

(3141GFS_Y2 2023 - ) - (3rd year student supervision of their development towards final year animated films and portfolios. Lecturing modules in shot considerations and character acting, and weekly production meetings. 2015 - present)

- 2104GFS Comics and Sequential Storytelling-

Lecturer, tutor and Course Convenor 2017 - present.

New course created and written by Paul as an intensive 3-4 week program for Trimester 3. Teaching fundamentals of comic book theory and production, ranging from modes of production, writing for comic books, pencilling, inking, colouring, lettering considerations and print/output considerations. Guest speakers include Andrew Constant (Writer- DC Comics, Frew Publications, Gestalt), and Nicola Scott (Artist- Wonder Woman, Secret Six: DC Comics, Black Magick: Image Comics).

- 1104GFS Drawing for Moving ImageIntroduction to perspective, composition and character design (1st Year students semester 1 2014, 2015) Course convenor role 2017 & 2018.

- 2133GFS Concept Art-Environments - Concept art work specific to backgrounds and environments (2nd Year students 2014).

- Honours student supervisor and examiner: 2016 - 2020, 2023 - present


- Convenor for 2123GFS Alternative Animation Techniques, 1104GFS Drawing for the Moving Image and 1117GFS Concept Design Fundamentals in 2017 & T1, 2018 

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